jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

Islamic Key Words

            As I stated on my previous blog, I had never actually heard much about the Islamic Revolution, and as I started to read this memoir, my curiosity began to grow. I decided to do some investigation on the topic. The following are some quotes that mention certain icons about the Islamic culture. Which, I had no idea what they were.

“At the age of six I was already sure I was the last prophet” (6) : “The last prophet” is a term used mainly in Iran which refers to “the last person through whom God speaks.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_prophet)

“I also wanted us to celebrate the traditional Zarathustrian Holidays” (7) : The Zarathustrian Holidays come from the Zoroastrianism religion. The holidays include the Fire Ceremony and the Persian New Year. 

“I knew everything about the revolutionaries of my country: F. Rezai, Dr. Fatemi, H. Ashraf” (12): 
F. Rezai: Fatemeh Rezai was a women that was executed in Iran for defending her rights.
Dr. Fatemi: Hossein Fatemi was a politician in Iran. He was tortured, arrested and then executed because of “treason against the Shah.”

H. Ashraf: After searching for ten minutes, and confusing him with another woman, I wasn't able to find any information on H. Ashraf.

The Islamic Revolution is a very interesting topic. As I keep on reading I’m going to keep on investigating. Not only for my personal interest, but to be able to understand and keep up with the book. 

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