martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

It's all a Lie!

In this chapter, the author states that the “ethos asset combines selflessness and likability.” (72) I had and idea what these terms meant but wasn’t really sure, so I decided to look them up in the dictionary.
Selflessness: “having little or no concern for oneself.”
Likability: “readily or easily liked.”
The author then focuses on “disinterest” and “uninterest” and peoples “passion” for these, in which the point is “making the audience believe in your selflessness.” (73)
            In my opinion, all of these methods have to do with psychology. It’s all about learning how people’s minds work.
At the end of the chapter, Heinrichs describes three tools:
1.     The reluctant conclusion
2.     The personal sacrifice
3.     Dubitatio
Instead of describing each of them individually, in short words, they all go back to the title of this course: IT’S ALL A LIE!
In order to be good in rhetoric, you have to lie to yourself and to the ones you are trying to convince or persuade. 

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