miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Black Ice

As soon as I picked this book up from the shelf, I read the title and saw the cover picture. I immediately knew what it was about.
Black Ice, a book written by Lorene Cary, reveals in the cover that the book talks about racism.
I read the prologue, which was named: June 1989. It wasn’t as shocking or touching as I had expected it to be. Even though on page 4 Lorene Cary narrates: “One night, a black boy came to me nearly weeping because a group of white friends had told a racist joke in his presence. He hated himself, he said, because he hadn’t known how to react. It was like I couldn’t move. I couldn’t do anything, he said.” 

Living in that time must have been hard. Waking up each day, knowing that your race was either superior or inferior just doesn’t seem human. Although today racism isn’t seen as much it still exists. People say that “history repeats itself” which makes me scared sometimes.
In that time racism was against black people, what if today there starts being racism against white? How would the world react? Would we receive help, or would we be ignored like so many people were in that time? 

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