jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012


It was a tough thing for me to do to find unusual vocabulary in this book.
Brent Runyon is only fourteen years old, which makes me only two years older than him, which means that our vocabulary is not so different.
However I managed to find some words and its meanings. Here they are:

1. Lair: An animal’s den, or resting place. 

2. Punctured: A perforation, piercing, or hole. Done with a sharp object. 

3. Contraption: a device, a gadget. 

4. Grafts: In a surgery, when a part of the skin is transplanted to another part of the body.

Did you notice that most of the words have to do with surgery or clinical stuff?  I know I did. Although i picked these word from different chapters, one can see its the only thing the narrator speaks about throughout the book. 

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