lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

Free Expression

Quotations and punctuation. Simple as it sounds, but somehow the most important part in writing.
Nicholson Baker, in “Survival of the Fittest,” managed to write fifteen pages just talking about how important the nine basic marks of punctuation are. 
“Commas have been around for at least as long as electrons,” Baker states in the first paragraph. How amazing is that? Writing has been the essential part of our history, although we invent other ways to use it, it will remain as long as we live.

They also talk about how the purpose of quotations and the semicolon have changed throughout the years. Now a day, in technology mostly, the semicolon and most forms of punctuation are used to make happy, sad, winky, or other smily faces to talk with people. Not only that, but when we text on our phones or chat through the computer, we tend to forget, or sometimes, jus don’t mind about our punctuation. And if we continue doing this, when we write important texts, we will start forgetting how to punctuate correctly.
It is very important to follow a basic set of rules to write. If you put quotations, and punctuation in the wrong place, you might send the wrong message or meaning to the reader. 

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