sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Reasons to Suicide:

1.    For stealing school supplies in algebra.

2.    For failing science.

3.    Turning on fire a P.E locker.

Conclusion: Brent Runyon has an erratic behavior and no intervention.

Are these real reasons to kill yourself? Apparently, for Runyon they are. He is having problems due to the fact that he is entering adolescence, he is not aware of what’s happening to him even though those conflicts are normal for someone his age.
Brent is crying out for attention, but the people surrounding him are not helping him at all. They think that by punishing him, they are stopping him, but what they’re really doing is making everything worse.

What else is out there if you are not living?

There are two basic instincts according to Sigmund Freud that the human being has in their inside which are unchangeable, Eros and Thanatos.
Eros: is the instinct of life, love and sexuality. Since everything in life has a counterpart, Thanatos is the instinct of death and aggression.

In Brent Runyon’s case we saw a Thanatos over his Eros.

When he is already in the hospital, receiving attention, help and support, he now regrets what he has done to himself, because he notices that there were people willing to help him.

He felt in a tunnel without light, but after the "accident" (attempt of suicide) he realizes there is a light.

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