lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012


As I keep on reading “The Burn Journals” it gets harder for me to write reading blogs.
I have already explained my opinion on the book so I’m just going to compare Brent Runyon’s case to a woman I searched on the Internet.

Is it a good excuse to throw yourself from a sixth floor building just because you accidentally burned yourself? Well Fakhara Younus did think so. This woman was a Pakistani dancer and the reason she did this was because she had suffered an accident in which her face got burned. She was “heavily facially disfigured”, as the report describes.

Such is life. 

While Brent Runyon tries to burn himself, Fakhara kills herself because she got burnt. 

1 comentario:

  1. Please don't put disgusting pictures like this on your blog. Sorry.

    Also, you need to cite text.

    It's "ironic".

    You could have developed this much further and actually mentioned the book.
